Get ready for the wildest and most adventure-filled Night At the Museum ever as Larry (Ben Stiller) spans the globe, uniting favorite and new characters while embarking on an epic quest to save the magic before it is gone forever. (c) Fox.
About Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb
Artist : Ben Stiller, Robin Williams, Owen Wilson, Dan Stevens (IV), Ben KingsleyAs : Larry Daley, Teddy Roosevelt, Jedediah, Sir Lancelot, Merenkahre
Title : Voir Night At The Museum: Secret Of The Tomb Complet Film 4K Ultra HD
Release date : 2014-12-19
Movie Code : 2692250
Duration : 90
Category : Adventure
Screen Of Voir Night At The Museum: Secret Of The Tomb Complet Gratuit Film VOSTFR
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Comment For Night At The Museum: Secret Of The Tomb Online Movie Streaming 2016
Let the dust finally settle on these museum pieces.
What is unexpected is the depth of emotion of many of the situations .
Other than some stock establishing shots of London, the British setting is wasted, as are Ben Kingsley and Ricky Gervais, who, at times, seem almost embarrassed to be caught on camera.
Where the previous films felt frenetic and forced, this outing feels breezier, more enjoyable and less contrived.
Time to hang up the "Closed for Renovation" sign.
In the end, "Secret of the Tomb" certainly wasn't necessary, but its earnest goofiness is hard to resist.
Granted, this series is primarily for kids, but nobody should feel dumber after watching a movie with "museum" in the title.
It's all dumb, but fun.
It's kind of fun, unembarrassingly, and not least of all because the people who made it look like they had a good time doing so.
Ben Stiller and crew go for the easy laughs, spackling the cracks in their armor with a cavalcade of marquee-name cameos and one dizzying action scene after another.
Frankly, there isn't a whole lot about this scenario that isn't disturbing on some level.
The exhibits in this "Night at the Museum" may still come to life nightly. But their latest movie stays stubbornly inert.
A diverting and, here and there, rather funny journey for the museum stalwart Larry and his menagerie of Teddy Roosevelt, a miniature Roman general, a Neanderthal, a capuchin monkey and others.
Like many a sequel that has exhausted its plot possibilities, Secret of the Tomb looks abroad to add color and culture.
Ben Stiller, Steve Coogan, Owen Wilson, Ricky Gervais - all of them were considered edgy when they first arrived on the scene, but for some performers an edge is just something you use to pry open the piggy bank.
Williams glows briefly in one of his final roles, but the overall magic feels dim.
The most worthy figure from British history the writers can think to reincarnate is - wait for it - Sir Lancelot.
Funny, charming kiddie-flick fare.
The third installment, Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb may be the best, and even the generally wound-too-tight Ben Stiller - once again playing a bemused Museum of Natural History guard - is easy to tolerate.
Assuming Wilson isn't being eyed as Stiller's replacement (or are we starting rumors?), it's satisfying to see this series ultimately shake off the relic dust and bow out with energy.
"Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb" is a rather lackluster affair, a cash grab that tries to aim a little higher but confuses sappy shortcuts with real emotion.
It's a hectic pileup, this movie, but at least in its final laps it takes the time to say its goodbyes more or less properly.
There's a serenity to museum visits, especially if it's a place you know and love. "Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb," amazingly, recaptures that feeling in big-studio franchise form.
An altogether satisfying end to a series that has been vastly more entertaining than it had any reason to be.
Mainly for "Night at the Museum" diehards.
More meh than manic, too reliant on wide shots of the ragtag Museum of Natural History cohorts striding down corridors.
There are some key elements that make this "Night at the Museum" sequel work better than its predecessor.
Levy - who directed all three movies - just couldn't muster up enough freshness to make this installment stand out from others.
Because when young children go to see a movie about dinosaur skeletons and a capuchin monkey who come alive at night in a museum, what they really want is to hear a divorced dad nagging his teen son about the value of an education.
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